


Irish Network Boston Welcomes You to the Irish Network USA 2015 National Conference Page

It is a pleasure to welcome you to Irish Network Boston (IN Boston). Since its inception in 2010, our organization has worked tirelessly to promote the enduring link between Ireland and the United States. Buoyed by unique events, member to member networking opportunities, partnerships and information sharing with local and national sister Irish organizations, IN Boston exemplifies a sincere commitment to engaging the Irish diaspora – including Irish born, Irish Americans and friends of Ireland. Our goal is to celebrate our mutual interests in Irish culture, business, education, and social/community initiatives by providing opportunities and experiences for all of our members. Our network was one of the first chapters to be founded under our umbrella organization, Irish Network USA (IN USA), which is now 20 chapters strong and continues to grow.

From Boston to California, collectively Irish Network is comprised of some 4,000 members, all of whom demonstrate a tangible allegiance to Ireland and everything it represents. We are proud to host the 2015 Irish Network USA National Conference and are looking forward to welcoming you to our city. 


Sean Moynihan

President, IN Boston 

This year we are pleased to bring our participants a high-impact agenda featuring keynotes by Ambassador of Ireland to the United States, Anne Anderson and Mark Redmond, Chief Executive of the American Chamber of Commerce Ireland, and Joanna Murphy, CEO of Connect Ireland.  

Additionally, we have a great lineup of panels and speakers including: Gary Hanley of Invest Northern Ireland, Mark Gallagher of Silicon Valley Bank,  Professor Liam Kennedy of the UCD Clinton Institute of American Studies and Stewart Matthews of the Northern Ireland Bureau.

Click for the Conference Agenda 

INUSA '15 Has Been Made Possible by the Generous Support of Our Sponsors

As a special addition to INUSA '15, our conference host, Irish Network Boston, is hosting their 5th Anniversary Celebration at the Massachusetts State House.  Be sure to RSVP and Purchase your tickets by clicking here. 





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